Couples Counseling


Couples Counseling

We were born to live in relationship with others. This is why couples often enter into romantic relationships looking for someone to share their love with and provide a constant, stable force in their lives. Because we are human, conflict sometimes arises and we experience difficulties in those relationships. That conflict can lead to deep hurt and pain, which we may try to address on our own by “fixing” the problem. Unfortunately, those efforts often do not work, leaving us feeling hopeless and helpless – even unsure the relationship can survive.

The therapists at Sherman Counseling are available to work with you and your partner through these struggles and help you regain a sense of happiness, confidence, and stability in your relationship. In some cases, couples counseling may be sufficient for couples struggling under the weight of relationship issues. Others may find that a combination of couples and individual counseling is necessary to adequately identify and resolve problems. Whatever your needs might be, our professional staff is prepared to tailor your therapy program to address those needs and help you get on a healthy relationship track once again.

Couple Counseling

Couples Counseling

Couples counseling is a beneficial avenue to explore if you are experiencing difficulties in your relationship with a significant other. It can also be used when things are going well, but you simply want to enhance your relationship and grow stronger as a couple. Each couple we work with at Sherman Counseling has their own set of goals and our counselors are equipped to help them meet those goals.

Some couples may need to begin the counseling process by determining the strength of their desire to remain in the relationship. When that desire is strong, counseling can be highly effective in helping them re-energize their relationship and find a newfound sense of closeness and happiness. Couples counseling places a strong focus on helping you and your partner learn effective communication skills, develop effective problem solving skills, and show your affection for one another in ways that make you both feel loved, accepted and cherished within the relationship.

Relationships are complex and sometimes they don’t go as planned. When problems occur, the staff at Sherman Counseling is ready to help you and your significant other address those problems and find solutions.

Our self-pay rates will soon be updated. Please contact our staff for more information.