Treatment Paths

At Sherman Counseling
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling
Individual Counseling provides time for the individual to heal, change, and grow. People often seek this type of counseling when they are adjusting to life changes, experiencing traumatic life events.
Family Therapy
Family Therapy
Family therapy refers to the process of working with a family (which may also include working with individuals one-on-one outside of the family setting) to resolve familial issues.
Men’s Therapy
Men’s Therapy
For many of us, our personal identity can be strongly tied to our gender. There is a significant amount of research that shows there are “core issues” unique to each sex.
Women’s Therapy
Women’s Therapy
A woman’s identity can be strongly tied to her gender. The media is overflowing with the “ideal” images of women that set women up for unrealistic expectations and disappointment.
Child Counseling
Child Counseling
Children often find the idea of counseling overwhelming and threatening. It takes counselors that are specially trained to work with children at ease and encourage them to talk about issues.
Adolescent Counseling
Adolescent Counseling
The world is a stressful place for those already taxed with the difficult job of moving from childhood to adulthood. That is why adolescents today need more support than ever before.
Couples Counseling
Couples Counseling
We were born to live in relationships with others. This is why couples often enter into romantic relationships looking for someone to share their love with and provide a constant, stable force in their lives.
Co-parenting is a process designed to assist divorced parents to raise their children together with an absence of conflict. Co-parenting gives parents and children the stability the family needs.
Gender Identity Support
Gender Identity Support
At Sherman Counseling we offer a safe and accepting environment for anyone that may be struggling with gender identity support. Our highly trained and knowledgeable staff are here to help.
Faith-Based Therapy
Faith-Based Therapy
At Sherman Counseling, our therapists will incorporate as much or as little religion into your sessions as you would like. Several of our therapists are trained in faith-based counseling.
Domestic Abuse Treatment
Domestic Abuse Treatment
Domestic violence is any type of violence that happens in the home by a family member, or by an intimate partner. This violence includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, rape, and stalking.